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    State Department 結果共18筆

  • US Taiwan aid package includes critical defense stockpiles

    The U.S. announced a $567 million military aid package to Taiwan, including critical defense stockpiles and equipment. This aligns with the U.S.’s commitment to Taiwan’s self-defense.
    2024/10/02 13:12
  • US Rep. urges Blinken to attend Taiwan’s National Day event

    U.S. Rep. Andy Ogles urges Secretary of State Antony Blinken to allow officials to attend Taiwan’s National Day reception at Twin Oaks on Oct. 2, emphasizing U.S. support for Taiwan.
    2024/09/30 10:13
  • State Department defends Taiwan’s defense spending

    State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller addresses former President Trump’s comments, emphasizing Taiwan’s significant investments in U.S. military equipment and the impact on American industries. Learn about the Taiwan Relations Act, the provision of military aid, and the importance of cross-strait stability to the global economy.
    2024/07/18 10:34
  • Raymond Greene takes helm at American Institute in Taiwan

    Discover how Raymond Greene, with 28 years of diplomatic experience, aims to enhance the U.S.-Taiwan partnership as the new Director of the American Institute in Taiwan.
    2024/07/09 11:41
  • U.S. condemns China’s new guidelines on Taiwan

    Explore the latest on U.S.-China tensions: The State Department condemns China’s new guidelines targeting Taiwan independence, urging dialogue and restraint. Read more on the escalating situation and Taiwan’s response.
    2024/06/25 11:00
  • Taiwan praises US efforts for peace in the Taiwan Strait

    Taiwan’s MOFA expresses gratitude for U.S. efforts to maintain peace in the Taiwan Strait, highlighting global consensus on the issue. The U.S. and Italy discuss the region’s stability, with Antony Blinken reaffirming commitment against unilateral changes by China. Taiwan vows ongoing cooperation with the U.S. for Indo-Pacific peace.
    2024/05/22 18:08
  • VP-elect Hsiao Bi-khim visits U.S. on private trip

    Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim is on a discreet trip to the U.S., gathering belongings and discussing policy with officials before assuming office. Taipei and Washington navigate delicately to avoid upsetting Beijing during this low-profile visit.
    2024/03/13 16:06
  • U.S. allocates historic US$100M in military aid for Taiwan

    The White House announces a historic US$100 million military assistance allocation for Taiwan in the fiscal year 2025 budget, marking the first dedicated funding by the U.S. Department of State for the island. This move aims to enhance Taiwan’s deterrence capabilities and maintain peace in the Taiwan Strait. Additionally, President Joe Biden authorizes the sale of F-16 Infrared Search and Track systems to Taiwan, further reinforcing security cooperation.
    2024/03/13 13:00
  • U.S. urges China to halt aggression, engage in Taiwan talks

    The U.S. Department of State calls on Beijing to cease provocative actions in the Taiwan Strait and engage in meaningful dialogues with Taiwan. This follows China’s denial of the ’median line’ in the Strait and reaffirmation of its claim to Taiwan, prompting concerns for peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.
    2024/03/06 17:06
  • 2年砍2萬人不是喊假的 花旗集團今裁「286名員工」

    花旗集團(Citi group)近期正展開數十年來最大規模的改革,1月更宣布將在2年內裁掉2萬人,而根據該集團近日向美國勞工部(State Department of Labor)提交的文件,花旗集團將在紐約(New York)裁掉286名員工。
    2024/03/01 11:45
  • U.S. keeps watchful eye on China-Taiwan maritime dispute

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) calls for China to heed U.S. calls for restraint amid tensions in the Kinmen-Xiamen marine dispute. Tensions escalated after a fatal incident involving a Chinese speedboat in Kinmen’s maritime territory. The DPP affirms Taiwan’s stance against unilateral changes by China. U.S. State Department spokesperson and DPP urge restraint, while Taiwan defends its actions as lawful.
    2024/02/21 18:04
  • Taipei official rebukes China’s election meddling in letter

    Taiwan’s Director-General in Boston, Charles Liao, responds to China’s interference in Taiwan’s elections with military threats and economic bullying. Liao highlights Taiwan’s commitment to democracy and refusal to bow to Chinese pressure. The U.S. State Department, Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the European Union’s European External Action Service congratulate elected officials Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim. Despite China’s attempts at interference through disinformation, military intimidation, and economic threats, Taiwanese voters remain resilient in their pursuit of democracy and freedom. Liao’s response is prompted by a Boston Globe article suggesting that the U.S. should prioritize Taiwan as a democratic partner.
    2024/01/30 16:36
  • China allegedly pressures Mayday before Taiwan vote

    Chinese authorities are allegedly pressuring Taiwanese rock band Mayday to make pro-China statements ahead of Taiwan’s major election in January 2024, according to foreign media reports. China’s National Radio and Television Administration has reportedly asked Mayday to endorse Beijing’s claim that "Taiwan is part of China" and align with China’s media propaganda on Taiwan. The aim is believed to be influencing the votes of young people in Taiwan. Mayday’s management company, B’in Music, has not responded to inquiries, and higher authorities from the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council have also not commented on the matter.
    2023/12/28 16:48
  • U.S. language expert shares holiday joy at Kaohsiung school

    U.S. Department of State English language specialist Maureen Rooney visited Heti Elementary School in Kaohsiung to introduce American holiday traditions to students through an interactive English language program. Rooney’s effortless English and expressive body language helped the children overcome their anxiety about fully English-taught lessons. The course, rich with audiovisual aids, guided students through the historical context of Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations, enhancing their understanding of cultural nuances. Using the festive tune "12 Days of Christmas," Rooney stimulated thoughtful discussions among students about the meaning of gifts and encouraged heartfelt English expressions of gratitude and well wishes for their families. HTPS Principal Tu Chang-lin expressed gratitude for the American Institute in Taiwan’s collaboration with U.S. officials in advancing bilingual education at the school, highlighting the value of such cultural learning opportunities to enrich the students’ English proficiency.
    2023/12/20 21:30
  • U.S. House backs Taiwan military training in defense bill

    The U.S. House Armed Services Committee has agreed to include provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24 NDAA) to assist in the training of Taiwan’s armed forces. The bill, with a budget of USUS$876.8 billion, requires the U.S. Department of Defense to develop a comprehensive training and advisory program for Taiwan’s military. The program will only proceed with the consent of the Secretary of State and after consultations with Taiwanese officials. The legislation aims to enhance Taiwan’s multilayered defense capabilities, including asymmetric defense strategies and interoperability with U.S. forces. It also promotes cybersecurity cooperation and the protection of military networks. The NDAA mandates biannual reporting on China’s military developments in Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and the South China Sea. Additionally, a classified report will evaluate the absorption of U.S.-provided military capabilities by Taiwan’s armed forces. After approval by Congress, President Joe Biden is expected to sign the bill into law, strengthening U.S.-Taiwan defense relations.
    2023/12/08 17:19
  • MOE to review university structures amid student shortages

    Taiwan’s Minister of Education, Pan Wen-chung, has announced plans to review universities’ proposals to adjust their departmental structures in February and March next year. Pan emphasized the importance of cultivating talents in the humanities, social sciences, and engineering for the nation’s development, regardless of the current industrial state. Concerns have arisen over the potential closure of Shih Hsin University’s Department of Chinese Literature by the 2025 academic year and rumors of Aletheia University’s Department of Taiwanese Literature ceasing operations. Pan stated that universities have the right to ponder their future development and adjust departments, but changes should be approved by university board meetings and involve adequate communication within university governance. Additionally, the Ministry of Education has launched an initiative allowing university students to earn credits in areas of interest and have them documented in their diplomas. According to the Ministry’s statistics, there were a total of 846 arts and humanities departments among bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs in the 2024 academic year. During the period from 2020 to 2024, 65 new departments were established, 45 stopped recruiting, and nine merged.
    2023/11/06 19:46
  • U.S. to upgrade Taiwan military weapon package

    Washington has proposed selling 100 most advanced Patriot air-defense missiles with radar and support equipment, according to a US Department of State notice obtained by Bloomberg News.
    2022/12/07 18:40
  • 遠看超詭異獵鹿人開槍 走近才發現「黑白雙頭」

    各種鹿類在美國林地經常出現,但「雙頭鹿」可能很多人沒看過!美國肯塔基州漁業及野生資源部(Kentucky state Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources)在臉書上分享照片,一隻倒在地上的鹿,頭上掛著另一個黑色腐爛的鹿頭,情況非常詭異。
    2018/11/20 22:07
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